First of three illustrations commissioned by Lionsgate Films for thier upcomming BORDERLANDS film release.

FROM is a wonderfully scary, mysterious show that is getting ready to release its 3 season in September. I was recently commissioned to do a tribute to the shows first season.
Three great shows I recently created tribute art for. Prints available through the store link above.

Taylor Swift is a one of a kind phenomenon. A powerful star, that right now on her Eras tour, is burning brighter then ever before. She is bringing so much joy and entertainment to fans across the country and then across the globe. Kirk pays tribute to this amazing woman with this tribute art celebrating her current tour.

Kirk's Across The Spiderverse tribute art was a massive success at this years New York Comic Con. It sold out long before the show ended. If you missed your chance to pick up a print of this amazing piece you can order now in the store, HERE!

The Barbie movie is a box office smash as it closes in on $1 Billion Globally. Screen rant tweeted about the film: ”It’s funny, bombastic, & very smart. Greta Gerwig… hits a home-run. Margot Robbie’s performance is great & Ryan Gosling & Simu Liu are pure entertainment! Here is Kirk’s tribute art to the film.

In August Disney+ will launch the new Ahsoka Tano series. A unique and powerful character who comes not from the Star Wars movies but from the animated series, Clone Wars and Rebels. Here is Kirk’s tribute to this wonderful new live action Star Wars show.

Lionsgate Films recently commissioned Kirk to produce promotional tribute art for their latest cinematic release, SISU. An action WW2 war film, set in 1944 Finland. Kirk also created a varient version paying tribute to the Weird War Tales comic from back in the day. Sincere gratitude to Noah Levine of Lionsgate for providing the opportunity and exceptional art direction. Follow the #sisumovie to stay updated on the latest news and developments.

Kirk presents his tribute art illustration of HBO’s "The Last of Us" Season 1 Episode 2 "INFECTED"
Prints available in the STORE.

To commemorate the debut of HBO’s "The Last of Us", Kirk presents his tribute art illustration of the shows first episode " When you're lost in the darkness". The piece showcases the poignant moments that lead to Joel and Ellie's first encounter, setting the stage for their journey through a post-apocalyptic America.
Prints available in the STORE.

This poster by Kirk is the opening anchor for the Museum of Moving Image's "Living with the Walking Dead" exhibit in NYC. Manley's unique style brings the iconic characters and moments of the series to life. The exhibit runs until January 22nd and is a must-see for both fans of The Walking Dead and art enthusiasts. For more information on the exhibit, or if you want a print of this piece please visit the Museum of Moving Image website: MOVINGIMAGE.US

Two brand new tribute art pieces now available in the store. Stranger Things Season 4 and Dr Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.

Second in my Tribute Art series of Marvel Disney+ MOON KNIGHT episodes.
( prints available in the store ) Also check out Podcastica's MOON KNIGHT Podcast, which i co-host. Link below.

Here is the Logo for our MOONKNIGHT over
on the incredible Podcast Network Podcastica!

Loving the new Marvel Disney+ show MOON KNIGHT. Enjoying it so much I'm doing tribute art pieces for each eps. Here’s eps #1. ( prints available in the store ) I'm also co-hosting a Podcast where we discuss each weeks episodes. I hope you will check it out HERE.

Here is the Logo for our Podcast show which is hosted over
on the incredible Podcast Network Podcastica!

The new Batman film was fantastic. Loved the look, the feel, the music and Robert Paterson as The Batman was perfect. Here's my recent tribute art celebrating the film. (Prints can be ordered in my store using the CLASSIC TRIBUTE ART section HERE.)

Spiderman No Way Home is an Epic film that joins the top Marvel films of all time. Here is my recent tribute art celebrating the film. (Prints can be ordered in my store HERE.) Also below is an exclusive version done for the Fandemic show in Atlanta in March. It sold out.

Netflix's run a way hit, SQUID GAMES is a global phenomenon. I'm currently working on a tribute to this show. Here is a quick peek of the work in progress.

Update TWD Tribute Art Weekend was a success and I’m already working on new pieces for the next event. Thank you to everyone that participated. Prints/packages are still available if you click on the banner below.

Friday Sept 24 2021 I will be holding my first annual TWD Tribute Art Weekend event, here at studiokm.com! Over the 3 days of the event I will be releasing my first new TWD Tribute Art in almost 2 years! 2 new tributes each day for a total of 6 new pieces. There will be some from S10 as well as the new S11. Some fan favorite characters will be represented, some new characters. There will be exclusive, original art incentives, bundle/set options. If you like the Walking Dead and you like art, this will be an event you wont want to miss.

Spider-Man into the Spider-verse was a spectacular film Here is my tribute to this Academy Award winning feature. I also did a exclusive B&W version for this years C2E2 Convention.

My latest tribute art is of Jason Momoa and Amber Heard in the awesome DC film Aquaman.

Heading into the 2019 I want to highlight a few pieces from 2018 that people might have missed.

The Culper Ring: The Spies of George Washington is a comic book and art installation I recently did for The Fairfield Museum in CT. Its open daily 10-4 now thru Nov 1st! Come check it out and get your copy of the book. Fans of @TurnAMC will really enjoy this! Learn more at the Fairfield Museum Web Site HERE


Its not always about superheroes and zombies. Table top game logo for product packaging and promotion.

Movie poster illustration and design for a indie film out of Australia. The direction was to echo the famous 80's horror film classics like Friday the 13th and Haloween.

Big fan of the Marvel Netflix shows. My recent tributes to the Jessica Jones and Daredevil series.

Official show poster for the Heroes and Villains Fan Fest pop culture convention in San Jose CA.

Tribute poster for Marvel's Captian America: Civil War film.

Official event poster for the NJ Heroes and Villians Fan Fest convention.


New work.
Zombie Mobsters for the Chicago Walker Stalker official show poster and my take on the Comic Book version of the Scarlet Witch.


Walker Stalker Convention Nashville, official event posters.
Was recently commissioned to design and illustrate the official 2016 Nashville Walker Stalker Con posters. There is a regular version and a limited varient edtion. Big thanks to WSC Art Director Nat Racz, Jason Cabassi and show promoter James Frazier for thier great art direction and continued support of my work.
Walker Stalker Convention Denver, official event posters.
Kirk was recently commissioned to design and illustrate the official 2016 Denver Walker Stalker Con posters. There is a regular version and a limited varient edtion.

Recent Illustrations of the CW's Super Hero shows The Flash and Arrow.
Recently completed these The Flash and The Green Arrow art tributes. These were featured on the CW Network's FanTalk show.

Official NY/NJ Heroes and Villians Con 2016 Posters.
Kirk was recently commissioned to create the Official Heroes and Villians Fan Fest New York/New Jersey convention posters.
Official NY/NJ Walker Stalker Con 2015 Posters.
Kirk was recently commissioned to create the Official Walker Stalker New York/New Jersey convention posters.
The show is a celebration of the entertainment phenomenon that is "The Walking Dead." Walker Stalker Con is a 3 day event that features exhibitors, artist, actors, producers and fans of The Walking Dead Comic book and TV show. If you enjoy either you wont want to miss it.
The show is Fri Dec 4th - Sun Dec 6th at the Meadowlands Exposition Center, NJ. Details at thier web site HERE.

Official Walker Stalker Con Posters.
Illustrator Kirk Manley was recently commissioned to create the Official Walker Stalker New York/New Jersey convention posters.
The show is a celebration of the entertainment phenomenon that is "The Walking Dead." Walker Stalker Con is a 2 day event that features exhibitors, artist, actors, producers and fans of The Walking Dead Comic book and TV show. If you enjoy either you wont want to miss it.
The show is Sat Dec 13th and Sun Dec 14th at the Meadowlands Exposition Center, NJ Details at thier web site HERE.

Walking Dead TV Show Tribute pieces.
I have been doing a weekly Walking Dead TV show tribute piece for the back half of season 4. If you dig the show check them out. Click on the thumbs for larger previews.
Private commission for a Dr Who fan.

Character Concept
This is a piece done for the annual 30 characters in 30 days challenge. You can see the rest of Kirk's character designs for this year, as well as years past, over at 30characters.com


Canson Packaging Design and Illustrations
Canson Paper commissioned the complete redesign of their comic art papers last year. Kirk redesigned the layout and look of their pads and also created many new original illustrations featured on the covers. These pads are now in stores where fine quality art papers are sold.

While working on this project I fell in love with these papers. Now for my comic book work these Canson papers are my preferred paper. Highly recommend you check them out.
Kelloggs Packaging Art
Catapault Marketing commissioned this illustration for Kellogg's cereal boxes. They ended up using an image from the movie for the Spider-Man panel, but its still cool to see these in the store in anticipation of the movie next month.
John Fastramp And The Mystery Of The Ghost Speedway
Jason Alter is a novelist who writes a young adult book series called John Fastramp. They are exciting, fun, action packed stories. All about a young race car driver and his friends and all the wild adventures they get themselves into. I recently illustrated the cover and interior illustrations for his most recent edition. You can read more about Jason Alter and John Fastramp HERE. And you can buy this wonderful book HERE.

Some interior illustrations:

Global Architect with a Mission!
Recently I did a project with Fast Company Magazine. They had a special section in this years Masters Of Design issue that featured trend setting Designers.
One of their subjects was an interview with Dutch architect Bjarke Ingles. They asked me to treat the interview in a sequential graphic Novel style. An animated GIF of the pages is posted below. To see and read the actual 8 page comic on line at their site click HERE. Use the arrow
keys on your keyboard to navigate and read the story when you get there.
Disney Executives As Marvel Superheroes
Just finished a series of illustrations for Fast Company Magazine. They are for an article in their March issue on the Disney company. This was a lot of fun, as well as a perfect union of my traditional illustration work and my love of comic books. Larger versions can be seen in the Main Gallery.
A Couple Western Reviews!
A couple reviews for the Western antholgy have posted recently on the inter-tubes.

News-A-Rama is a great comic and entertainment site. If you dont have them book marked you should.

Flick Cast is new on the scene and they are quickly becoming one of the big guys.
Only a few days left to get your June order in and help Western hit the order number neccassary to get it distributed here in the states. :-) Just tell your local comic shop the Diamond order code JUN090671. Thanks.
Western made it into PREVIEWS!!!
British Publisher AccentUK's Western anthology is in Diamond's comic book catalogue, PREVIEWS this month (June). The very talented and critically acclaimed writer Dwight MacPherson and I did a wonderfully gruesome story for Western. Our story is a tale of retribution in the EC vein titled “The 7th Will Rise Again.” I also illustrated the books front and back cover. It looked like Western would only see distribution over seas. So this is good news. The twist is that orders have too meet the new Diamond order requirements or they will not fill the orders and Western will not be distributed in the states. You can use the Comic Shop Locator to find a shop near you and ask them to order you a copy. :-) At only $12.99 for 200 pages it's a great value! The Diamond order code is JUN090671. You can view a preview of our story "The 7th Shall Rise Again" in the comics gallery. Just click the page image on the left.
Western Is On The Shelves!

For right now those shelves are only in the United Kingdom. Changes in Diamond Comics solicitation policies have limited its distribution state side. But you can order a copy directly from AccentUK the publisher here.
A preview version of the cover I illustrated is linked to the image above. The story I drew, inked and lettered, that was written
by the very talented and critically acclaimed Dwight MacPherson, can be previewed in the comicbook gallery. I hope you enjoy it enough to order a copy to see how it ends. Not to mention getting all the other great western tales it contains. Im already at work on more contributions to the upcoming Accent UK anthologies, Predators, Victoriana, and a third super secret sequel Anthology. More about that soon.

Happy New Year!
Completed this Robot Video Game Character illustration recently for Washington CEO Magazine. The article was about how the videogame industry isn't feeling the repercussions of the failing economy the way other industries are.
See a full size version in the main gallery. You can also check out all the initial concept roughs over in the SKETCH GALLERY.
A couple new pieces in the main gallery. Two illustrations of baseball pitchers, One of CC Sabathia and the other of Brandon Webb. Both are for FORBES Magazine Continuing with the sports figures I have done for them in the past. You can see large views in the main gallery.

Started a new section in the Sketch Galery. Its called The Weekly Sketch and will higlight recent sketches and roughs. Check it out by clicking the banner, or the sketch thumbnails below.

On the NEWS front it looks like I will be contributing to Accent UK 's next anthology book, WESTERN. Dont miss there previous anthology ZOMBIES and their soon to be released ROBOTS anthology. Both can be ordered through Diamond Comics Previews or requested at your nearest comic shop. You can check out more about Accent UK and their books at accentukcomics.com

I finally put together a gallery of some of the vector based art I have created for GAMEALMIGHTY.COM the video game review web site. Just click the heroes chest above, or you can get there via the commercial gallery area.

You can catch a brief profile of my process and my work in this months issue of ImagineFX Magazine. Its an international Sci-Fi and Fantasy Illustration magazine. Visit their online home here. Its a fun and informative magazine and whether your looking for how to tips or just appreciate beautiful art, its well worth the coin.
Big New Years update in the Comic Gallery.
Just finished posting up 3 new sequential based works. Soloist™ is a short preview book that is the basis for a much bigger story. Little Red™ is the first 6 pages of a new twist on the famous children's story Little Red Riding Hood. Tales of The Dark Knight Spartan, is the first installment in an on going single panel sequential story Im doing out of my love of all things Halo, Batman and Spacegirl. Check out the comic gallery to get a few more details and to see the work.
5 new images in the Main Gallery.

All five are from a program I just finished Illustrating for Ryan Partnership and their client Englert Metal Manufacturing. Its a fun and cool Super-Hero Ad campaign, based around their Heroic mascot METAL MAN. The ads spotlight the heroes mission to offer the Economical and Ecological rewards of metal as an alternative to more dirty and costly traditional materials.
Update 10/08/07
Recently wrapped up a fun project creating a cover and
3 interior illustrations for a young teens adventure book, called John Fatsramp And The Dakota 3000 Challenge. Its a great story in the Tom Swift tradition with a contemproary sci fi updating. Cool stuff ! You can check out my contributions to the book over in the Main Gallery. You can check out the book and pick up a copy over at Amazon.com.
Well the site has been way over due for an update.
So I have cleaned things up a bit, changed the headers and navagation a little and added a video game gallery.
I have been creating allot of game oriented art lately and it seemed to make sense that it have its own gallery. Im a big fan of the Halo series and play quite regularly. So be sure to take a peek at the Halo gallery within the Games area. Master Chief and his Needler gun can take you there right now.
Entertainment and Toy manufcturing Businesses. If you want to see what my spread looks like click the thumb nail below.Also visit th PLAY site where I have a 20 image online portfolio.
I recently attended the NY Comic Con at the Javits Center. It was excellent and a decent Con In NY has been missing for over 15 years. To get ready I updated a number of images. I hope you will check out these revised works by visiting the Main gallery or clicking the thumbs below.